Education Ministers ought to have placed the interests of consumers — that is to say pupils — first. 教育部长们应该把服务对象——也就是学生——的利益放在首位。
He didn't go; that is to say, it is not recorded that he did. 他没有去,换句话说,他去的这个事实无案可查。
That is to say it has become pass é among consumers, seemingly regardless of product quality. 也就是说,它已经成为了消费者眼中的过气产品,而这似乎与产品的质量无关。
But improbable events can arrive like black swans, that is to say, unexpectedly. 但不可能的事件往往会像黑天鹅一样不期而至,也就是说,完全出乎意料时就已经大祸临头。
That is to say, the context of each word is collected, along with the word itself. 这也就是说,每个单词都是与这个词的上下文是一起收集的。
But this universal is an abstract universal: that is to say, its opposition to the particular is so rigorously maintained, that it is at the same time also reduced to the character of a particular again. 不过由知性所建立的普遍性乃是一种抽象的普遍性,这种普遍性与特殊性坚持地对立着,致使其自身同时也成为一特殊的东西了。
The young man still wanted to ask something, while the sage stopped him and said, When we are talking about the significance of today, we have wasted a lot of it. That is to say, our today has decreased a lot. 青年还想问,智者收住了话头说:在谈论今天的重要性时,我们已经浪费了我们的‘今天’,我们拥有的‘今天’已经减少了许多。
That is to say, there is no any additional value. 换句话说,这里面根本没有任何附加的价值。
That is to say, I desire to be radiant& to radiate life. 这就是我要说的,我渴望的是发光&让生命放射光芒。
But I am saying that it will be really a big pity when I run into a wonderful work I have no time and energy to enjoy it, that is to say, I can only read it superficially. 我是说当我邂逅一部伟大的作品时,却没有时间和精力去细细品味,或者说,我只能大致地浏览一番,对我来说实在是个大遗憾。
In this way, say they, peace, that is to say, time to dress our wounds, and to repair the house, can be had after a revolution. 这样,他们认为,便能在革命以后享有和平,就是说,享有医治创伤和修补房屋的时间。
That is to say, under no circumstances shall a non-unique POID be dispensed to a client. 也就是说,在任何情况下都不能给客户机分配不唯一的POID。
Break down any contractions; that is to say, write I have not Ive. An applicant who demonstrates perfect spelling and grammar is much more likely to impress an employer. 展开全部缩写,即书写Ihave而不是Ive。一个可以完美展示拼写和语法功底的应聘者会给招聘者留下更深的印象。
That is to say, you had given your permission. 那么说,你早就允许了他啦。真让我猜着了。
That is to say, 'Wolf Totem' has two chances to go to the Oscars. 也就是说《狼图腾》有两个报送奥斯卡的可能性。
That is to say, it is possible for it to show various colors. 也就是说,它表现出多种多样的颜色是可能的。
That is to say, fundamentally the paper made no self-criticism. 就是说文汇报根本上没有作自我批评。
The profit that that is to say invests a few years, can call in capital. 就是说投资几年的收益,就可收回本钱。
That is to say, make out of highland barley wine though, but prices are also a lot of expensive. 这就是说,青稞做出来的酒虽然好,但是价格也贵了许多。
That is to say, disciplinary fragmentation is the case for many, if not all disciplines. 这就是说,学科分裂即使不是所有的,也是很多学科中都有的情况。
During the practice of one-month simplified life, I rigidly complied with the principle of priority to the important matters, that is to say, I finished first what I dislike most. 在一个月的简化生活实践中,我严格遵守要事优先原则,也就先做我此刻最不想做的那件工作。
They fell, that is to say, either through consciousness or through unconsciousness. 那就是说,它们丧失权力或者是通过自觉,或者是通过不自觉。
They are very light, that is to say, low mass. 很轻,也就是说,质量很小。
That is to say, I neither saw them, or any footsteps, or signals of them, in all that time; for as to the rainy seasons, then they are sure not to come abroad, at least not so far; 这就是说,一年多时间中,我从未再见到过他们,也没有见过他们的脚印或其他任何上岛的痕迹。看来,在雨季,他们肯定是不会出门的,至少不会跑到这么远的地方来。
That is to say we are not just bodies. 那就是说我们不仅仅只是个躯体。
That is to say, there is not any all-embracing modernity. 就是说,没有囊括一切的现代性,只有诸种不同层面的现代性。
That is to say, in the last analysis, it serves the economic base. 这就是说,归根结蒂,它是为经济基础服务的。
Some of my classmates are weak, that is to say, they are in poor health. 我们班有些同学身体很弱,也就是说,他们的健康状况不好。
In other words, that is to say, just think about it, if this earth not "interest", people can go to argue? 换言之,也就是说,想想看,如果这个地球上没有了“利益”,人们还能去争什么呢?
That is to say, Chinese modernization must possess Chinese characteristics. 这就是说,中国的现代化一定要有中国特色。